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Michelle received the initiation of the Rite of the Womb through The Munay Ki Practitioners and Marcela Lobos of The Four Winds. The Rite of the Womb is an initiation given by a lineage of women who freed themselves from suffering. The lineage wants us to remember that “the womb is not a place to store fear or pain; the womb is to create and give birth to life”.

We are healing our womb, the womb of our mothers and those who were born from our womb. The healing is also extended to the womb of Mother Earth and her waters. Are you ready to free yourself and all humans born from the womb? It is a beautiful transformational ceremony of healing and rebirth. At the end of this ceremony, you will be able to deliver the rite to other women.

For more information on the Rite of the Womb go to www.theriteofthewomb.com or contact me via email or phone.

All participants receive instructions for nourishing the rite as well as delivering it to other women, if you so desire.

Energy Exchange: $40


“Michelle helped me in my expansion over the past two years. I am grateful for her. Her multidimensional healing with crystal bowls, chimes, tones and light language has helped me grow and taught me to work on myself.” – Myrna

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