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The Healer Rite is the first of 10 Munay Ki Healing Rites. The Munay-Ki Healer Rite is a transmission/initiation from a lineage of healers past, present and future guiding us on our own healing journey. Through the lineage of healers we can confidently, compassionately and lovingly address childhood wounds and those we have inherited from our ancestors. The essence of the initiation is transmitted through your hands as the conduit to your heart. We connect with the ancient wisdom and knowledge of the healing power within in us and Mother Gaia.

You will learn/receive the following during the workshop:

*  History of the Munay-Ki Rites

*  Receive “The Healer Rite” initiation

*  Reciprocity and Right Relationship

*  Learn How to Open Sacred Space

*  Journey/Meditation

and much more.

Dress comfortable, bring a journal and a blanket or yoga mat.  Please register using this link below:


Energy Exchange: $70


“Michelle helped me in my expansion over the past two years. I am grateful for her. Her multidimensional healing with crystal bowls, chimes, tones and light language has helped me grow and taught me to work on myself.” – Myrna

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